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My guess would be that it needs at the very least a 40% Return on Investment for Konami.

What do we do now. Make moving targets? That's a bogus discussion anyway. It's easy:

If their contract with Sony allows porting and

portingcosts + costs of loosing the special relationship with SONY
then they will port it. They are a company so this is what counts.

Making a profit or "needing 40$ ROI" is bullshit. That is not how it works. Companies will maximize their profit and don't care if one product is profitable. That's similar to drugs. The development costs for a medical drug is irrelevant for pricing. The companies will ALWAYS price the product in a way that maximizes their earnings. That has nothing to do with the question if the development did cost 10$ or 10billion. If the market will pay 10$ for one pill they will ask for 10$ for one pill. The ( earnings-development costs) number ONLY goes into the "will we develop another pill like this"- question.