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tombi123 said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
tombi123 said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
spidey_77 said:
Actually its the most expensive console if you add in wireless adapter + 3 years of XBL. So its pretty amazing ;)


It does come with backwards compatibility tho. With the ps3, you have to add 130€ for a ps2.

Ah, the hidden costs of the ps3. Something the ps fans always fail to mention.


 The 360 plays PS2 games?

This is the weakest, most pathetic argument ever. I can only think that you were being sarcastic.

The PS3 doesn't play SNES games, you have to add £20 for a SNES.

Ah, the hidden costs of the PS3.


If you buy a ps3, you need to shell out the extra bucks for a ps2 to play ps2 titles.

If you buy a 360, you don't need to shell out extra dollars to play xbox1 games.

Learn2read T_T

And before you go "but but playing ps2 games is an option", well - so is using wifi over ethernet.

Yep, the hidden costs of the ps3 - it's a shame sony didn't include them on the marketing leaflet they used to get this meme started, you all seem to have learned it by heart.


 I did read what you put.

If you buy a 360 you have to shell out the extra bucks for a PS2 to play PS2 titles.

I don't know why you think buying a PS2 because the PS3 doesn't play PS2 games, count as hidden costs for the PS3 but not the 360. Neither console can play PS2 games.

Neither console can play gamecube games. Is buying a gamecube hidden costs for both the 360 and PS3?

My PS3 can play PS2 games ;) so that doesnt always count what you say... But besides that with the newer versions of the ps3, your totally correct.. Even though i think that the BC (through software) will return once the ps2 slows down in selling