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I could not upgrade to SP1. Something to do with my HD controller. I then got a copy of Ultimate with SP1 in it (I have an MSDN License, so all MS software is free to me), and after install, it would hang on boot.

So, as of right now, it's impossible for me to get SP1 Vista running on my rig. I have quad core 2.5 AMD, 4 gig of ram, ATI 4850.

I threw XP back up and it boots like a champ. The issues I have had with Vista have never been with the user experience, I like it better then XP. Mostly because they ripped off OSX, but what do I care, I like OSX and I don't own Apple stock. If they make it a better GUI for me, I win. I don't care what Apple thinks, I don't work for them.

What I don't like, is in every category an OS should care about: Memory usage, IO performance, Video performance, Driver support, stability... it's worse then XP. Why go backwards with your core competencies? That's what bugs me.

Hopefully they will fix this with Windows 7. Let's hope it's not another Vista.