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What follows is a list for a thread I made over a year ago of my five most favorite FPS weapons of all time. They are my favorite not necessarily, because they are odd or unique. They made my list for one simple reason in all ways they were just a pure blast to use on other players. Weapons that cripple, cause paranoia, obliterate pussy campers, and the ultimate vengeance weapons enjoy. Yeah believe it or not I did use paragraphs, but a site error screwed that up. Sorry a real wall of text.

What are your five personal favorite FPS weapons of all time. Not looking for the weapon you used the most obviously some weapons will always be better then others, but some weapons over the years stick in your mind. What weapons do you have the fondest memories of. You can choose any game for any platform. You can pick for innovation, whimsy, irritation, and any other feature that catches your fancy. Then share why you chose those weapons as your five all time favorites. Please just don't do a list think long and hard and explain your choices. This is for entertainment so the better the reasons the more fun. Goldeneye. Proximity Mine. The proximity mine was a brilliant weapon detached, lethal, and strategic. Rare ensured it was utterly lethal, and gave the player enough to be a true menace. You quickly learned to treasure this weapon from hell and to be utterly wary of its very presence. The mines themselves will obviously be trapped as well as the doors. Look around carefully use your marksmanship to sweep the hall ways. Got a lead set up a perimeter. Use mines to trap other players in rooms. Player empathy to the max you got to hide it where they will not look. This was a glorious weapon, and it added a totally new dimension to the action. You couldn't just bolt here or there. You had to take your time pay attention. You had to keep them out out of the other players hands. You had to destroy all of them otherwise the other player will rack up a huge kill count. You had to deal with the other players and their trophies. This was just not marksmanship it was guile and strategy. You camped them not so much as to get them yourself but to keep them out of the other guys hands. Nothing like a guy running wild tossing the mines here and there before you can put them down. Usually to find yourself in a field of death waiting for someone to trip onto you and blow you both to pieces. Halo PC. Fuel Rod Gun. This is has to be the best BFG of all time. For those who never saw this weapon there may be a few. Cross a rocket launcher with a grenade launcher, and for added effect give it the range of a mortar. Giant green glowing comets of death spiraling out of the sky. You could fire it on the horizontal or tilt in up to bet a glorious arc, and the range was glorious if you had skill it could be as deadly as a sniper rifle at range. A perfect suppression weapon, and a must have for a suicidal charge into the midst of a enemy base. They want to cluster in the base fine. The Fuel Rod will flush them out. My favorite memory of this weapons was the snow map. I can no longer recall the name. My team was losing and the other side was sitting on the clock looking for a one flag victory. Fortunately during one assault I slipped by to the left of the base unnoticed, and climbed up on top the enemy saw the blip and thought for certain I was inside the base. Well they all came storming into the center foolish. I plastered the interior killing four or five of them in rapid order jumping down. Just in time for a single team mate to jump across the way grab the flag and run for the teleporter. Meanwhile I climbed back on top of the base to delay their pursuit. Which I did taking a fully filled warthog down. For the next few minutes I ran total riot on the base as they tried to peal me off the top. How much trouble can one guy cause. That few minutes of chaos though scored us another flag. The point of the story was this might have been the best anti camper weapon of all time. You cluster up and this weapon gave you headaches. Perfect Dark. LSD Gun. Shoot someone up with acid and watch as their vision goes to hell. Whats not to love the visuals are wonderful and the fact that you leave the other guy vulnerable and unable to fight is brilliant. No do not worry I am not going to kill you just going to put you in the penalty box for a minute. Pure brilliance not only is it a fun weapon but it totally throws the guy behind in kill count. See death is preferable to LSD. When you die you get to spawn again. When your high though your useless until your not high. Best time to get someone is when they have no explosives on hand. Watch as they beg other players to kill them. Watch as the other players just let them slide along walls. Perhaps one of the best screw them over weapons of all time. Halo PC. Plasma Grenades. What weapon could be more fun then tossing a time bomb on someones face. Toss the grenade at another player and watch it stick to their body. Double points for a face hit. The thrill of hitting the mark, and the fury of being stuck yourself. That last second mad dash towards your killer. Hoping beyond hope that you take them with you. I have seen players jump from banshees and fall to their death. I have seen players stare down horrible weapons just to get close enough to play a grenade. I have seen blind distance throws win games. All fear the sticky, all love the sticky. Goldeneye/Perfect Dark? Laptop Gun. Why wasn't the laptop gun just about the coolest gun of all time. The fun of a proximity mine and the joy of ranged weaponry. Duel modes, but the best mode was toss it and forget it. Camp a area or bait pursuit after you. Double the firepower and double the fun. Sometimes the greatest joy was the confusion of your opponent. Watch as they scream at a other player since they were teaming up. Screaming how your going to win because they cheated. What a laugh they were both cheating. Only to figure out a few seconds later it was a laptop gun, and by that point the truce is long since over. The most brilliant part of this weapons was the fact that you could lose it, and steal a campers most beloved weapon. The gun will not spawn again until it is destroyed, and there were those few choice places nobody ever went. Watch as the frustration builds in their face as every time they return the weapon is still not there. Well those are my top five picks of all time what are your guys picks.