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My guess is that Konami right now is weighing it's options. When my gf translated the japanese article it said yes that Konami wanted to port it, but that they were frightened of hurting relations with Sony. In my opinion these could be what's going on

1. Konami is in talks with Microsoft asking how much they'll get and how much MS will support them if they make this decision, because if the decision is made Sony is not going to want to work with them as much.

2. Konami at the same time could be asking for more money from Sony to keep it exclusive and they might not even have asked MS anything yet at all. MGS4 pushed consoles for Sony HARD and they feel they deserve more than what Sony's given. MGS is one of Sony's most profitable franchises and they deserve a voice in the business.

3. Absolutely nothing is going on, somehow someone said that someone from Konami said this. Damn liars!

These are just my speculations, but the fact that IGN hasn't recieved news from Konami leads me to believe they're working it out, something seems to be brewing.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-