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Also, while some critics may be biased. The only sites on that list i can see being truely biased would be 1up and Play.

Anything less the 5% doesn't seem that big of a deal. Cause 5% is what... half a point? Instead of a 7 it gets a 6.5? Which for some reviews can make a big deal, but it's about the minium of what i would consider any sort of bias. To me it doesn't matter because I very rarely compare games cross system anyway, even when owning multiple plats. It would really just depend if I'm in the mood for a Playstation 3 game, a Wii game or a 360 game.

1up is about 5.2% comparing to PS3
While Play Magazine is about at 4.4% which is close enough to 5.

Gamespy is just a hard reviewer in general. Which me is a good sign for a reviewer.