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KillaKB said:
Millennium said:
At first glance I thought this sounded pretty reasonable: only about 25,000 a week for the next ten weeks.

That was until I looked at the charts. In reality, 25,000 a week is only slightly less than the 360's all-time best week in Japan, and again, that kind of demand would have to be sustained for the next ten weeks. I don't think it will manage.


 last remnant week will be 50,000= though...then we got december+ banjo kazoie and fable will happen

Sorry. But you're wrong in every point.

1. The Last Remnant will absolutely not push weekly 360 sales above 35,000, if even that.
2. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts will absolutely not push weekly 360 sales above 20,000, if even that.
3. Fable II will absolutely not push weekly 360 sales above 15,000, if even that.
4. Xbox 360 has absolutely 0% chance of reaching 1,000,000 consoles sold in Japan by January 1st, 2009.