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First Person Shooters, I am one of the many gamers that love them. But what is a FPS game without it's key ingredient: the weaponry. Over the years, FPS fans have seen a wide array of weapons. So after weeding through the many games from over the years, I have come up with a list of the Top 7 Best Weapons in Video Games.

7. Gravity Gun (Half-Life 2)

It doesn't get any better than this. Being able to use your entire world around you. Barrels, Boxes, Enemies, the Gravity Gun turns anything and everything into a weapon. No lack of ammo with this weapon. Not only is the Gravity Gun a great weapon in Half-Life 2, but it also helps to solve puzzles.


6. Cerebral Bore (Turok)

The Cerebral Bore let you watch as you blew out your enemies' brains. It was 100% lethal, but it had a slow reload time and a lower accuracy level. When you did hit your target, it would bore into the enemy's head with (with blood spewing from the skull), and then exploded. It's a great way to blow heads to pieces. I have seen very few other weapons that have come along that are as fun and gory to watch in action.


5. Blades of Chaos (God of War)

The Blades of Chaos, are a gift from the God of War, Ares. They are permanently attached to Kratos with chains that are burned into his arms. However, this makes for some excellent fighting as Kratos can unleash the gods' fury with his blades. With a wide variety of combos from throws and to straight-out beat downs, the Blades of Chaos are the centerpiece of any good fight.


4. Light Saber (Star Wars The Force Unleashed)

The light saber is a very distinctive tool. It comes in a wide array of colors, as well as each light saber has it's own unique combat crystal. Who knew your powers could change all because of your light saber. Light sabers are an immensely powerful tool. Plus they are not only a great offensive weapon, but are a great defensive weapon as well. Just use it to reflect the incoming blaster shots right back to their owners.


3. Energy Sword (Halo 2 and 3)

The Energy Sword from Halo is well deserved, as it has everyone fighting tooth and nail to try to get during its multi-player matches. It is one of the best melee weapons created. Not only is it powerful enough to kill with a few quick hits, but you can swing it around as fast as you are able to hit the button. Although it does create an unfair advantage as it tends to be the only one in a game. It does have one big disadvantage: the limited range. No long distance shots with this one. However, the Energy Blade does make up for it with it's one hit kill strike into your enemy.


2. Entrencher (Fracture)

The entrencher is a very unique weapon. It gives you the ability to raise and lower sections of the ground by shooting at it with your entrencher. This can help you to create cover from enemies, or lower the terrain to prevent access to a region. You can also use this to move enemies into things to destroy them. The game also uses this ability to help solve puzzles in the games as well as to help you to reach otherwise inaccessible areas. No other weapon in the entire FPS genre has the ability to change the game like the Entrencher, which is why it takes the number two spot on this list.


1. The Lancer (Gears of War)

The Lancer is the best all-around weapon in FPS games. It has a good long-range use and a 60 round ammo clip. But what made it hit my number one spot on the list is the most awesome feature: the Chainsaw Bayonet. It is one of the few guns that have the ability to double as a melee weapon. And isn't that what FPS games are all about? Melee, gore, long-range use, the Lancer has it all. Plus it's great to being able to saw your way into an enemy, and I hope the new counter moves with the Lancer in GOW2 will make it even better.


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