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All this talk about shooters in relation to NA gamers and the 360 is rubbish.

The reason why the 360 is way more successful mainly because of user base (more people have it which leads to things like word of mouth etc.) and the breakdowns that come with it.

The majority of your friends have a 360 rave about games like Halo, COD4, Madden, Gears etc. and the LIVE experience. Sure there are a lot of cross platform games. But the 360 success can be directly attributed to userbase. I have all of the current systems. And the PS3 is the only one that I DO NOT play regularly. I played the PS3 when I sent my 360 in for repairs (no RROD something else LOL). And found the whole "online" interface to be awkward and nowhere near as enjoyable as live.

A game like Madden 09 for instance (which does run slower on the PS3 even though they said they fixed the frame rate issues) at most if you're looking for a game online it there are about 50 people TOPS on looking for games vs. 100-150 on LIVE. I have never tried COD4 for PS3 but I have heard that you wait long as hell to get in matches on the system.

You factor this in with the price and the over exageration of BLU-Ray. I can tell you that 7 out of 10 gamers that I know could care less about the format. And the majority of new system buyers when they are looking at a system are into the 360 (that I know anyway). Why? Simply because of the user base and the word of mouth.

All this talk about shooter this, or exclusive that... Is irrelevant, sure to the "elite" gamer crowd that makes a difference.  But to the avg. gamer that wants to maybe just play Madden, GTA4, Tony Hawk/Skate etc. THEY DON'T GIVE A _______ ABOUT:

Killzone 2
Gears 2
Lost Oddessy
Ratchet and Clank
Metal Gear


Some may have their decision swayed by wanting to play a particular exclusive game, but those games don't matter to them. It's just the "elite" gamer crowd - It is what it is!