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I try to be determined to complete games, usually I stop playing games when I have to play again large sections or there is a difficult situation and it becomes too frustrating. the last game I finished was Crysis Warhead, but it's short so I don't think it counts. before that it was Mass Effect, which kept me playing until I finished. at the same time, I have Killer 7 waiting for me to finish it, and I have it for 3-4 months. I hate so much the loading times that I almost think I'm wasting my time when playing it. then there's also Paper Mario which took me A LONG time to finish too, because it also got boring (Keelhaul Key).

and there's also Viewtiful Joe, which it's still unknown whether I'll actually finish it or not :P

anyway, I still want to see another series more addictive than the Phoenix Wright/Ace Attorney, when I got the games it was impossible to stop playing it!

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!