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Majin-Tenshinhan said:
perpride said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Even if it coming to the 360, I still won't buy it. I know the story and I think it is an absolute abomination. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, for me the series ends with MGS3.'re entitled to your oppinion. But here this, and know it's coming from a ten year fan of the series:


MGS4 is not only the best Metal Gear Solid game, it is the best video game ever made.


I play MGS for the story. It's probably the only franchise I play just for the story. I don't care much for the gameplay, to be honest, and stuff like graphics and all that don't concern me too much anyway. And I can say, with full confidence, that MGS4's story is ridiculous, even by MGS-standards. I also believe that the game singlehandedly ruins everything that was beautiful about MGS3(A game I personally believe to be the most beautiful game, not graphics-wise, but beautiful in story, soundtrack and symbolism). So yeah. I don't like MGS4.


Also, I can go around saying that Too Human is the best video game ever made, but that doesn't necessarily make it true.

I fully agree with you about MGS3, though I will say that I thought MGS2 was worse than MGS4 in terms of story.