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leo-j said:
NNN2004 said:
Xen said:
outlawauron said:
Does anyone still believe, only can be done on PS3?

MGS4, LBP, in their current states, can only be done on the PS3.


why they cant ?? maybe for LBP yah they cant because its for sony but for mgs4 they can .. as u know the blue-ray is full of uncompressed data & they can compress all the blue-ray data in one DVD for the 360 if they want.


Nice pulling things out of your ass.. if you didnt know MGS4 is compressed to hell, the only thing that isnt is the 7.1 sorround sound.

Also, there are ALOT of reasons why its very unlikely for MGS4 to appear on the XBOX 360, just play the game, and you'd know why.


Funny. I sat through it with my mate. Chapter 4! There is absolutely nothing that couldnt or hasnt been done on 360. Hell look at Far Cry 2 or Gears 2. The only issue is space. Wait say hello to 4 discs. Problem solved.