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@ Tremble: I have no intention of using the 360 to play online and will simply just transfer my ethernet cord from my PS3 to my 360 when purchasing a game.

Battery aren't much of a concern, I had bought a pack of 40 when I first got my Wii. I've since sold that system and have tonnes of batteries to spare.

I think I'll be skipping on ES for either system as I really didn't enjoy the demo very much. WKC is my most anticipated JRPG outside of FFXIII and VSXIII and maybe even Valkyria Chronicles (SRPG's are my favourite genre). And I'm still interested in BD and LO despite hearing mixed things from different people (especially BD). Thanks for the advice though! Greatly appreciated.

@SHMUPGurus: I'm very much a greedy gamer, the sooner I get JRPG's and the more I get, the better. So TLR and SO4 are very much a pull factor for the 360.

@Halogamer: Thanks, I'll look into how I can use an American Proxy server. Although I much much prefer blu-ray, but there are some HD titles that aren't yet released on it that I'd love to rent.

@misteromar: Uhh, thanks... I guess. I love the Final Fantasy series!

@Squilliam: Is this patch free? If so, it's a must for me.