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"And you would know that Fallout is a better game as you have played both right ?and you will be expecting LBP to be about the same as Fable 2(or less) when compared to the Fallout 3 scores right ?.

And how many Fanboy posts do you need to post in the One same topic ?, which by the way is the MS discussion area"

I didn't post any fanboy comments. I gave my opinion on this topic, and I don't even think I mentioned LBP. I did say why I think Dead Space seems to be getting gipped in this magazine when other non-official review sites have given Dead Space much higher scores than did OXM.

Ps. I own a 360.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.