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That Guy said:
high pain tolerance is also a factor in manliness.

In my sociology class, they told me that there are more women than men in the world (52% vs. 48%), but there is more variance among men.

For example, a rich man in Africa may have like 100 cows and would be able to support 10 wives, whereas a poor man might not have any cows and wouldn't be able to attract one wife.

Due to this variance, men are more apt to compete against each other in order to jockey for a higher social standing. This cultural phenomena, IMO, might contribute to what we think of as "manliness." I don't think it necessarily is a way of attracting women, even; since over eating/over drinking/beating each other up/drop kicking babies/body slamming sharks and crocodiles isn't really a way to impress a woman.

Damn. I need to get me some more cows then and stop EATING them.