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Sales Discussion - others UP - View Post

selnor said:
NNN2004 said:
Bokal said:
NNN2004 said:

others really brainwashed by sony ... PS3 sell even without AAA games !? weird.

I could also say "NA really brainwashed by MS... 360 sell even without AAA games !? weird." But it's only a matter of opinions.

But I could say "NA really brainwashed by MS... 360 sell even without a bluray drive, wifi and a hard drive and you need to pay to play online !? weird."
These one are facts...
Ok... only the good part of the facts, but still facts.


 YAH Weird

The thing is the only thing we have to go off to decide which has more AAA games is metacritic and that backs NNN2004 100%. So in effect Bokal yours is opinion and NNN2004 has backing of the majority of opinions which would then equal fact.





Your logical abilities are really weak.