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kingofwale said:
hmmm.... Microsoft quickly ditching a format that millions of people have just bought in favour of a new one, just because they are unwilling to take effort to fix it.

Doesn't that sound awfully familiar in gaming industry. ;)

Window 7 vs Mac OS10... oooh, how many "10 is greater than 7" jokes will we hear from "I'm a Mac" commercial?


   OSX came out in 2000, around the time of Windows ME and 2000.  Unlike Windows though it has been an evolution since then because they already had a good thing going.  While Windows jumped from 2000 and ME to XP to Vista to Windows 7 now OSX has just gone .1, .2, .3, .4 and .5.  Everything I bought in 2000 for OSX still works perfectly and features have just been added not removed.  It's gotten better, more stable, faster and all the rest while Windows has just gotten more and more bloated with every re-release.  I don't think Microsoft has stuck with a single OS design for more then 5 years (the 5 years of XP and of 95/98 are the longest stints) while OSX is going on a decade.

    Maybe by Windows 10 in 2020 they can reach a OS they can stick with instead of bouncing around.  I swear, the people who run Windows development are the same people running John McCain's campaign; they just can't pick a strategy and stick to it!   Use Windows!  We're erratic!

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me