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They're trying to get back to the 3 year cycle. Vista was pushed back so many times, and clearly it hasn't had the success they were hoping for. By introducing the 3 year cycle again, it'll force people to at least upgrade to Vista, maybe even "Windows 7" when they get a new computer.

However, that doesn't mean a thing really. They need to fix a lot of the problems Windows has, they need to remove a lot of the bloat, and just make a simple operating system, with an easy to learn user interface that has features people WANT. Perhaps even adding customization so they can actviate/de-activate features they want.

I have no intentions of ever going back to Windows. Linux is where I will stay. The sheer fact that I 100% support Linux is what a lot of people should be doing to start getting games ported for Linux, instead of being stuck using Cedega/Wine.