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Awesome! I'm getting a free 512MB Memory Card, Sweet! Well I guess something good comes out of me holding onto my old Core 360 for no reason (I upgraded to a 360 Elite earlier this year, 120GB!!!) and I already had a 20gb hd for the Core and an old 64MB memory card as well, hahaha! The hd is a good deal, but since I already have the 120gb and 20gb hd's I really don't need it.

The only bad thing is that I had to have it shipped to my home address in California. I guess I'll have to have my parents send it to me when they send me another package next time.


edit: oh yeah it was strange for some reason the page got hung-up in Firefox, but when I tried it again using an IE tab in Firefox, it worked alright.

"Thank you for your recent order as part of the Xbox 360 Memory Upgrade Program. We are processing your order now and can’t wait to see you online. Please visit for more information about the new Xbox 360 Experience.

 Offer Selected
   512MB Memory Unit  $0.00   
 Shipping Address
   First Name :  xxxxxx
   Last Name:  xxxxxx
   Address Line 1:  xxxxxx  
   City:  xxxxxx  
   State:  CA   
   Zip:  xxxxxx  
   Country:  United States   
   Email Address:             

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