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1. LittleBigPlanet
2. Fable II
3. Resistance 2
4. Gears of War 2

LittleBigPlanet will of course sell the most systems since it has arguably the most hype, is getting AAA reviews, and by far appeals to the widest demographic.
Fable II is a next-gen premier of a successful franchise. However, Mass Effect already successfully penetrated the WRPG market for the 360 so Fable II's potential to sell systems is slightly lowered.
Since both Resistance 2 and Gears of War 2 have prequels on their respective system, it is very unlikely that either of them could sell as many systems as the previous two. I have a feeling that a lot of people will disagree with having Resistance 2 above Gears 2 but logic supports that it's true. Both games appear to be fairly similar qualitywise and Resistance and PS3 have more room for growth as a franchise and system than Gears of War and 360 respectively. It's also worth stating that while the 360 already has at least 2 AAA shooters on the system, Resistance 2 appears to be the first that could potentially attract a larger portion of the shooter demographic to buy a PS3.