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KylieDog said:
astrosmash said:
KylieDog said:


...and for each 'kill' they do to eachother they lose a point as well s gaining one, balacing it out, the 'casuals' only need get a couple kills and if A+B are killing eachother so easy so often then they stop eachother pulling ahead.


That would work if in every single match the two of them got equal kills, but it doesn't work that way; more often than not one gets two or three kills more than the other(our session last weekend featured a half a dozen times where one of the better players killed the other five times more than he was killed himself)


The win ratios have become incredibly lopsided since we switched to Brawl (its easy to look at our stats and see this is not just an illusion). And as for individual matches, often the winner could have won the match soley off of the match up with the other experienced player; commonly this accounts for +3 or more and our casuals typically score negative with the rare +1 or +2.