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Alright so out of this short list pick what game you think will be a true system seller

*in ABC order

1.Gears of War 2 -360

2.Fable 2 -360

3. LBP-PS3

4. Resistance 2-PS3

Personally I think LBP is the only real game that will sell systems for the fact that it is bringing something new to the table, I dont think anyone who doesnt have a 360 is going to get a sudden urge when Gears 2 comes out seeing that Gears 1 and Halo 3 have already brought in that crowd. Fable 2 is a wildcard but I dont think it will push 360's out the door seeing the 360 already has a ton of RPG's.........Resistance 2 looks like a great game but seriously theres a ton of shooters coming out, (even though i'll be getting it :),


oh and theres really no games needed to sell Wii's