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Bullet100000 said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Bullet100000 said:

Who would pay $200 for console which will break down in 200 days.

Thats Why.

Microsoft destroyed their own image and its really hard to build that image back.


lol. That is all.


Destroyed their image? Are you kidding me? Other than the RROD, they gave gamers the chance to play PS3-exclusive games like Final Fantasy and Tekken this generation! Consumers are the winners in the end.


Or are you talking about ff11 a game we played five years ago on PS@.


You got me all wrong. I meant that, now, gamers FROM BOTH CONSOLES will be able to enjoy FF XIII and Tekken 6. I thought you'd be happier for your fellow gamer friends...! o_O

*EDIT on your new edit (twice already, sheesh, think out what you want to clearly say before posting next time):
Bullet100000 said:

AND BROKE DOWN 5 times for its users. 

Broke down 5 times? Please, you're supposed to take 15 minute breaks between each hour of game session. And if the RROD problems have anything to do with overheating, it's not my fault you (or your friends?) are avid hardcore gamers that just don't know how to push the power button after finishing a session!
I haven't seen a RROD in my entire life, and I doubt I'll be seeing one soon (got this Elite since last christmas, and it has yet to give me trouble). Maybe you can't forget the past, when the first models were the worst one? A company evolves, and their methods of making consoles as well.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!