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konnichiwa said:
The Playstation was the first real console that tried to be popular in small markets like my country Belgium. The first game magazine we got in writtie in Dutch was the Official Playstation magazine the first game we got in Dutch were on the Playstation so many kids could finally play games in their native language. Before the playstation I had to use a dictionary to understand something of the game.

Just import a game from Japan and try to play it...Big chance you put it away soon because you don't understand a thing. A lot of those kids raised up and always thx Sony because they are the ones who gave them the chance to enjoy a game.


 MS also scoffs at the Canadian dollar and act like it's still mid-late 90s when it was 2/3 the value of the US dollar.  Sony respects and adjusted their prices to reflect our dollar.


Actually the other day I helped a "to be 360" customer realize that if he spent $299 on a Pro 360 and was buying a wireless router, WiFi,  battery pack and charger cable, Call of Duty 4 and Assassin's Creed  he was spending $169 more than he would with a PS3,2 games and a wireless router.  And even then the 360 was only offering him a sad 20GB while the PS3 offered a whopping 80GB.  I said "Why pay more and get less??"  He took like 3 seconds and then said "yeah...." I then pointed out that both those games are availible on PS3.  He took another 30 seconds and said "I'll take the PS3".  I bought him over to cash registed and pointed out that apart from saving $170 that he is getting a BD player without having to pay anything extra.  He left happy knowing that he got way more and left with $169 more than he would of if he had gone the other route.


This doesnt work all the time.  One guy said "I hate PS3!" I then told once he adds on all the accessories most 360 owners buy he'd exceed the cost of the PS3 and said something about "not being down with the whole Bluray thing".  I then pointed out that "You're not paying more for it, you're paying less and getting it as a added bonus"  He then said Sony was probably going to sell off the playstation branch off by next year I heard "Mr Matasuki(don't know who that is) is bankrupt".  Then said on the contray XBox will probably have a new system in a year and a half.  They are pushing HD games on a non-HD format and the clock is ticking fast to the moment when they fit games on it and his investment will flop really fast.  He wasn't convinced sadly.

PSN: EDguila

PS3 library:  Motorstorm, Assasin's Creed, Orange Box, Uncharted:DF, Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance:FOM, Rachet & Clank Future:ToD,

Near future: Folklore, SOCOM Confrontation, BioShock, Little Big Planet, Resistance 2.