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Sales Discussion - others UP - View Post

DOATS1 said:
Jackson50 said:
DOATS1 said:

people are making a fuss about it because the 360 is the cheapest console on the market, half the price of it's hd rival, has all the games a gamer could need, yet all it can do is sell a few hundred units more a week than the significantly more expensive ps3.

oh and if you were here long enough, would know that the first price cut in others did the exact same as this one. started at 90k, then slowing climbed down to 45k, and it looks like it's heading back down there again.

The 360 can also be considered the most expensive console on the market along with the PS3; at least, I believe the Elite sku is the same price as the PS3. If this is taken into account, then its sales compared to the PS3 are satisfying.

the elite is £229 here in the uk i believe. the ps3 is £299

that would be correct. And may i add that 360's are selling for as cheap as 60 pounds on ebay. the cheapest ps3 you could possibly get and this is pushing it is like 200pounds both examples being 2nd hand that is. without any games. most of the time 2nd hand ps3 on ebay are going for like 240+

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st