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Every week the gaming opinions change.  When 360 is doing extremely well one week, almost none of the Sony fans even show face.  When PS3 is doing well, only the die-hard 360 fans even comment.  Wii fans just sit back, laugh, watch the PS360 fans scream at each other, then secretly sob while they wish LINK wasnt wearing his tetris pixel print armor due to lack of HD resolution and poor textures (I own a Wii, with HD cords, and yes....I sobbed).  All systems have their pro's/con's but it sure is fun choosing sides....aint it. 

Usually there are intelligent/semi-intelligent posts from fans who (a) own both HD consoles or all three, and can see past all the blind-fanboyism.  (b) Own a Wii, dont care about the PS360, and with 1st place in the bag, comment without bias.......unless of course you are making fun of the Wii.  Pure PC gamers, who enjoy seeing how console numbers influence, reflect, and impact PC gaming and technology within the gaming community.  (d)  Pure Hand-Held owners, who fight their own DS/PSP fanboy battles.  

It's fun sifting through profiles, recent posts, comments, and threads to determine who's opinions best fits within ones own gaming spectrum, and firing a "please be my friend" request down range.  What side(s) are you gunna choose?   Is it the.......(Xbot Fans-R-Us club) or (Delaystation Defense Farce) or (GameCube with Motion Controls team).....and who to poke fun at the most.........

Heck....I poke fun at myself sometimes when I feel that rush of adrenaline when it comes to retaliating against someone talking smack agains the 360...even though said smack was well warrented or deserved.  Or posting a quick and witty retort to Sony fans who post things like, "Wait till E3" or "This TGS will be epic for Sony"....XD, yes.....(cough) sure was lol.  This Gen's Console War has been the most, keep it up everyone.  That's why I love this site, and all the members who frequent it!

Oh and......360 is the Shizzznite, BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!