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Sales Discussion - others UP - View Post

DOATS1 said:
Everstar said:



OK, For fucks sake its a damn tie now will please explain to me why the 360 is dead in others these number are a lot better then they have been.


 people are making a fuss about it because the 360 is the cheapest console on the market, half the price of it's hd rival, has all the games a gamer could need, yet all it can do is sell a few hundred units more a week than the significantly more expensive ps3.

oh and if you were here long enough, would know that the first price cut in others did the exact same as this one. started at 90k, then slowing climbed down to 45k, and it looks like it's heading back down there again.



ok i get that but i still wouldnt call it dead =/ if its dead then why is the PS3 only selling in the 60k range? 45k is 15k less then 60k thats not that bad expessially in a region dominated by sony.

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)