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Just becouse someone was wrong before doesn't mean that he/she cannot make any other predictions. None of us have 100% accuracy beside those don't predict anything or predict only obvious things.

Also hanafuba provided basis for his prediction in the form of Sinobi comments on preorder situation. Maybe that's not much but it's still more than any of his antagonists presented.

The preorder situation for WiiMusic is significatly worse than for WiiSport or WiiFit, so even if Wii Music will show similar legs as those titles it may still not be enough to match their success. Also the thread title clearly states "Wii Music - off to a slow start in Japan?" so noone is saying it won't have legs.

Also saying that Wii Music will sell becouse it's made by Nintendo or has Wii in its name isn't very good argument in itself - unless you want to call Wii owners idiots that will buy anything with Nintendo on it.