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This I feel is a fact.


Do we need good storytelling for games to be great? No.
Do storytelling decide how much we enjoy them? No.
Does this change the fact that storytelling in games sucks compared to non-interactive media? No.

I want a healthy discussion about how to improve the power of storytelling in games.


You fail. It's not fact, it's opinion.


Do we need good graphics for games to be great? No.

Does having good graphics and sound decide how much we enjoy them? No.


We don't need these things, just like we don't need a good story to enjoy a game. My point is that such things can make a game better under certain circumstances. Just because you feel dissatisfied with current efforts at storytelling in games doesn't mean that others feel the same way. It doesn't make it fact. This isn't to say I disagree with the notion that there's still untapped potential for story telling in games, I just believe there are some people out there who are satisfied with the current efforts.


Now, you can have your discussion. After all, I guess I'm caught up in semantics here, eh?



Killergran said:

I think you, along with many others in this thread, are misinterpreting the intent of the author here. It's not to say that the story of these games are bad and that it should have been done better. It's more of a realization that the stories told in electronic games today simply isn't as powerful as stories told in other media such as books, movies, tv-series, role-playing games, theater pieces, radio-shows...


"Why games fail at storytelling" ---> The title of the article.


This is why you fail.

The BuShA owns all!