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madskillz said:
Kasz216 said:
madskillz said:
Sqrl said:
madskillz said:
MrBubbles said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
MrBubbles, the panel voted UANIMOUSLY to adopt this report. And it has more Republicans than Democrats.


do you have a link? (no liberal blogs as your sources this time please) since they couldnt even agree to release the report i have a hard time believing they agreed on the investigation

The bipartisan Legislative Council, which commissioned the investigation after Monegan was fired, unanimously adopted the 263-page public report after a marathon executive session Friday.




Alaskan Statutes:

AS Title 39 Chapter 52 § 310. Complaints.
(c.) If a complaint alleges a violation of AS 39.52.110 - 39.52.190 by the governor, lieutenant governor, or the attorney general, the matter shall be referred to the personnel board. The personnel board shall return a complaint concerning the conduct of the governor or lieutenant governor who is a candidate for election to state office as provided in (j) of this section if the complaint is initiated during a campaign period. The personnel board shall retain independent counsel who shall act in the place of the attorney general under (d) - (i) of this section, AS 39.52.320 - 39.52.350, and 39.52.360(c.) and (d). Notwithstanding AS 36.30.015 (d), the personnel board may contract for or hire independent counsel under this subsection without notifying or securing the approval of the Department of Law.

Copied from another thread I posted this in.

Please note that the legilsature is using statute 39.52.110(a), which they clearly don't have authority to decide.

Also note that if you actually read the report it concludes that she didn't violate the law. This is what happens when gotcha politics is at work. Their conclusion was that they think the Wooten issue was a part of her reason for firing him (no proof of this in the slightest btw) but they conceded that she had legitimate reasons as well.

And that's what the Personnel Board is doing. More than likely, she'll be let off because 2 of the 3 folks on the board are loyal to her.

Now, the state paid Branchflower $100,000 to investigate her and find out if she abused power. With the blessing of a largely GOP board, he found she did abuse her power and used the governorship to settle a personal matter. That alone disqualifies her from being a VP. Say a country disses her - and she persuades Congress to make the country a parking lot. No, we've already had one clown in office who wanted to settle a personal score (Saddam tried to kill my daddy!) - we don't need a second.

The damage is duly noted. She could have stopped all this by cooperating. And when the Personnel board releases its findings, it still won't overshadow this damaging report.

An Illegal investigation doesn't disqualify anybody from anything. It's called Due process. We have it for a reason.

Heck you can bomb the pentagon and if your due process rights are violated get away scott free... and can do anything. Even become a teacher in a government run school.

How is it illegal when the state lawmakers are the ones who ordered, and even the Gov. said she would cooperate? The report noted she wasn't subpoenaed because she said she would cooperate.

You can slice it any way you want to, Kasz, but she did abuse power. The state wanted to know if she did and guess what? She did. As stated, the Personnel Board will slap her on the wrist but the findings are out there and could deal a hard blow to the campaign.

Oh, the Obama-Ayers ties. I really expected more out of you than resorting to that. You and others make it seems like he's hanging around with Rezko, with Ayers and even Farrakahn and that's not the case. Resort to personal attacks - and don't focus on how bad the economy is, how more folks will lose access to health care under McCain and truthfully, standing by and letting folks scream 'Kill him' or 'Terrorist!' at his rallies. Yeah, that's the kind of camp I would support.

I'd be ashamed to be associated with that garbage.

Interesting about Ayers - Internal reviews by The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time magazine, The Chicago Sun-Times, The New Yorker and The New Republic "have said that their reporting doesn't support the idea that Obama and Ayers had a close relationship." So, what are you talking about? Do you have personal information that ties him and Obama? So they lived in the same 'hood - so they were the same board. My heavens! I went to school and graduated with a guy that had a dead body in his trunk. Does that make me friends with a murderer? According to your standards, yeah.

I could see if Obama was running around, planting bombs when he was 8, but he's not.

Is that the best the GOP can do? McCain showed his awesome leadership when he said he's suspend his campaign and still ran thousands of attack ads. He showed his leadership when he didn't stop folks from shouting incorrect propaganda at his rallies, nor stopped his running mate from doing the same thing.

The Straight-Talk Express is taking the valley pass to the White House. Hate to tell them the bridge is out.

Maybe in 2012. And going 100 percent negative to win it?

I hope you use your head and make your vote count, Kas.


It's illegal because there is a law against it.  The Congress could decide they are going to rule on court cases.  It'd still be illegal.   It was illegal because it was against the laws written on the book and there were no laws to change it.  They decided to do something illegal. 

The Ayers thign was simply to show that if you aren't convicted of something legally, it doesn't take anything out of the picture.

I mean the guy bombed the pentagon and he teaches students.   Not only that but he's a highly respected teacher.

If he were actually convicted of the things he openly admits to doing he'd have trouble finding a job at a McDonalds.

It was no type of "deflection" at all.