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Well obviously PS3 Hardware/Software fell due to 360 price drop

Since: 6:18PM PST 08/07/07

Now: 8:58Pm PST 08/08/07


2) Wii 

3) PS3 (Same)

5) 360 Pro 

6) Controller (Down 2)

9) 360 Elite

11) Madden 360 

13) Madden PS3 (Up 9)

16) BR remote (Down 2)

26) Madden PS2 

53) Resistance (Down 11)

65) Ninja Gaiden (Down 6) 

71) Madden Wii <----- Interesting

77) Memory Card adapter (Down 12)

86) PS3 HDMI Cable (New!)

95) Heavenly Sword (New!) (Fuck) (Yeah)

125) 80Gb PS3 (Up 6)