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First of all they announced like a billion games in a row: dissidia, ffXIII, ffvsXIII, ffagitoXIII, birth by sleep, kh on DS, coded, PE the 3rd birthday, SO4, TLR, ... --------) And what about the quality? Reminds me of EA a few years ago.... Then they began with their remakes: FFI, FFII, FFIII, FFIV, DQIV, DQV, DQVI, SOI, SOII, ... And now they fucked up the FFXIII event yesterday: 20 minutes concert and they also annoucend that FFXIII demo will be limited??? What's happening with'em? I really think they became big headed and soooo arrogant... I used to big a huge fan of SE, but now I have to say that I'm pretty disappointed. How do U feel about that? Anything else to say?