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Nintendo is a hardware/software comapny, they make their software to sell their hardware, they have just as much on the line if not more than Capcom, Tecmo and any other software company. Their games appear on Nintendo consoles and leave a mark, that mark has to be as wide reaching and as positive as possible.

Hardball and being @ssholes are two different things, one is just business the other is a personal issue. I hate strawman arguements but Sony is one of the head of the RIAA who sue people for youtubing videos of them dancing to songs under the RIAA umbrella. (On PS3 no link)
My point here beyond the who's wrong or right is that money is the goal of business, but using legality to enforce your business model means that your just too lazy to conjive a strong business model and probably don't deserve any penny you gained through that method. (Just my 2 cents)

1. So what your saying is that you have a double standard issue.. incase you don't understand the counter arguement would be here: "Companies would be safe in making big budget crap games, because Nintendo would cushion the blow should consumers not buy into it?"
Your number 1 is pointless.

2. Yes there are exceptions... mind pointing out the non-exceptions. =)

3. This is basically (1) again why are you repeating yourself?

4. People mention the DS because unlike you apprantly they remember a time when he DS wasn't market leader and was trending similarly to he Wii until around the time of Nintendogs and Brain Age and the such let's not forget New Super Mario Bros. =.= Oh and the new SKU.

5. Crystal Chronicles... this is again your double standard, self supporting logic is a step towards fanaticism, take a step back and breath. If your saying FFCC (your example) is low budget, then low budget to what and could you please inform me of where you saw the budget for this game. Also if your comparing it to FFXIII then I give up right now.

6. So now a game being announced is competing with a game that will be released year(s) before hand, got'a get me one a dem der time machines.

7. Yes, because your special and unique. Also again this is a repeat of one. So you only had 5 issues?

Your opinion is your own, just please place imo or a ^_^ at the end, because otherwise I'd have to believe your spewing truths, which if that's the case all I've read in your are manipulatied lies.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D