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Sullla said:
CAL4M1TY said:

I think you need to step back in time to the NES and SNES era, Nintendo were absolute assholes back then to 3rd party dev's, even going into the N64 era and being stubborn about CD's.

If anything, Nintendo has to show alot more love (monetary wise) to 3rd party dev's more so then Sony or Microsoft do.

But even still now, Nintendo is reluctant to buy support in a market where all 3 major competitors are viable options for 3rd party dev's to make games on, who are they going to choose? Sony and Microsoft who have treated them well for 3 generations (sony) and extremely well this gen (microsoft) vs a Company who hasn't shown yet that if they were to win out this gen, won't turn into the same assholes of years past.

If there's anyone to blame, it's Nintendo.

Great argument here. Nintendo was mean to companies 20 years ago, so no one should develop for them now. I'm sure Namco is perfectly willing to drop all support for the most profitable Japanese platforms (Wii + DS) because Nintendo tried to stop them from making games for the Megadrive in 1988. Brilliant business decision. By the way, Activision also shouldn't be allowed to make games for any current platforms, because they created some unlicensed Atari catridges in the early 1980s.

How dare Nintendo not bribe companies to develop for them! The arrogance!

Yeah, there's always exceptions to the rule, thanks for pointing them out (in fact, Nintendo may be the exception to the rule, in which case I pointed an isolated case, my bad if true).

Point is, We are at a stage in this generation when no clear winner is in sight, PS2 blew GCN and Xbox out of the water within the first 2 years, Ditto PS1, SNES and NES.

I was quite happy to use the "nintendo were assholes and now are getting their come uppance" buttt if you want to force my hand...

There are many reasons Nintendo isn't getting 3rd party support:

1) They are unwilling to buy it, where as MS and Sony have heavily invested, providing a safety net for these companies

2) Core third party titles that have very little appeal to the casual market (so you can take out Guitar Hero and Lego) don't sell on the Wii. There are exceptions, but the majority of cases is like this.

3) Nintendo were assholes back then, and they are being ass holes right now (in a different way). 3rd party dev's don't create games out of the kindness of their heart, they do it to MAKE MONEY. From a purely financial point of view, would you rather developer a game for a un-named company that pays for a portion of your development costs or another that doesn't? It's not about loyalty, it's about money, why do you think so many have jumped shipped from Sony this gen?

So yes, Nintendo are still being assholes now (in a different way).

4) Please don't use the DS as an example of 3rd party support. It's in a market where it's clearly dominating the competition, third party developers wanting a portable game (cheaper dev costs) would go there, they don't have much choice. Wii on the other hand is a different story.

5) EVERYBODY thought Nintendo were screwed this generation. 3rd Party dev's made development tools and engines for the HD consoles, because that was believed to be the next step up and what would be the norm. Nintendo racing out of the blocks was a shock to EVERYBODY, aside from those few development houses that were going to make low cost games to sell on the Wii (Crystal Chronicles).

As a 3rd party dev, would you switch development to the Wii and create new game engines for that OR would you develop games using the tools you invested time and money in, so that you can recoup money as soon as possible?

6) Please don't use Namco-Bandai as an Example, they have one good game coming out on the Wii, and that's Tales. Seeing as how knowledgeable you are of the industry, you should know Tales of Vesperia exists, why would Namco Bandai make two Vesperia games on HD consoles (any HD console) and force competition within itself?

Ditto Square Enix and all the other Developers (Konami, Capcom etc) that are dealing out their Second tier titles on the Wii?

7) Nintendo is being arrogant. They may have alot of bargaining power at the moment due to the number of consoles they have out there, yet they still do not buy third part support, like I said before, in a market with no clear dominant force as of yet. I don't like getting screwed out of good games because Nintendo are money-hungy and are unwilling to buy support from developers who are by the way BUSINESSES (who's goal is to make money, not be good people).


It's not a crazy conspiracy or coincidence that Wii isn't getting (EDIT:) Flagship games. Don't go blaming Third Party developers just because Microsoft and Sony are making them better offers, or rather, are actually making them offers.