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rendo said:

They've been paying down the debt which is better than letting it turn into a larger deficit. The fact of the matter is we continually have had a surplus and are making in roads to bringing the debt down, which is far better than tripling it in 8 years, leaving the mess for future generations to struggle with.

On top of that, the government tends to put surplus money back into the pockets of Canadians.  Do we need it, probably, probably not.  Would it be better used bringing the debt down, for sure.  As long as it's coming down though, that's the key.

I don't disagree, I'm just trying to be fair ...

The other thing that needs to be considered is provincial debt ... Albertans decided in the early 1990s to cut spending, eliminate the deficit, and start paying down our debt; we got (unusually) lucky after (about) 2000 as oil prices skyrocketed and our debt was fully paid down decades ahead of schedule. The Yukon and North West Territories are also debt free, but all other provinces and territories have (fairly) large debts. On top of this, most of the provinces within Canada are still running deficits which means that (as a country) we are really not getting ahead.