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I have always maintaned that there will be a WiiHD by 2009/2010. Nintenod themselves said the HD market won't be big enough for five years, which is why they chose to remove HD from the Wii. However, by 2010 HD will be the only option as all major markets will have fully switched by then, wikipedia has a listing of SD terminal dates for all countries. By this time HD tv's won't be too expensive and you will definately have a very large userbase. So I think Nintendo will put out a WiiHD that will be all the Wii is now + HD graphics. They will probably have a two sku solution with a Upgrade and New options. One being like $120 and one at $200 with one controller and some packin game. That way it will still be less expensive than the 360/PS3 while giving current Wii owners the ability to upgrade and still pay less. The games shouldn't be an issue with backwards compatibility and then future Wii games would probably work fine on the current Wii as they will assuradly use ATI/IBM to ensure compatibility. The new games would just look a little worse on the current system while having 720/1080 visuals on the newer one. I for one am all for it. I spend $400 or so in the long run, same as higher priced systems now, yet, I don't have to fork out and extra $200 now. The interesting thing is how would you count it? Is the GBA and GBASP two different systems? Or would it be more like the DS to the DS Lite where they are counted the same? I think since the there will be no xbox 360-2 or ps4 at the same time, as they will go through 2015, it should be considered the same and just build off of the wii's existing userbase numbers.