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Sony Discussion - The PS4 - View Post

SMcc1887 said:

I know that it's way to early to be talking about Sony's next machine, but there's rumours that the PS4 will use an updated version of the Cell (Which is found in The PS3). I know that this will reduce costs but will it be able to provide enough power to the PS4? What else would you like to see in the PS4?, What Price do you think it will be?

"Updated version" of Cell makes a lot of sense: it may be much more powerful than the current model, yet it would make BC a lot easier and it would cut research and development costs. By no means it deny the possibility that PS4 will have enough new features to be considered a new product (*). In 4 years a new Cell 4 times as powerful could cost lesss to produce than the current one costs now, also a completely newchip as much powerful would cost the same after a while, but you should add initial development costs again and BC would be more difficult. Games production would be easier and faster too, having mature development tools. Sticking to Cell architecture and BD discs, instead of changing everything, would allow PS4 to have a launch price within $400, to start earning earlier on HW too and to afford a price drop to below $300 in two years without losing on HW.

(*) Just like Macs, GC's, Wiis, XB360's and even PS3's all have CPU's with PowerPC cores, but they are definitely different products.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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