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CAL4M1TY said:

I think you need to step back in time to the NES and SNES era, Nintendo were absolute assholes back then to 3rd party dev's, even going into the N64 era and being stubborn about CD's.

If anything, Nintendo has to show alot more love (monetary wise) to 3rd party dev's more so then Sony or Microsoft do.

But even still now, Nintendo is reluctant to buy support in a market where all 3 major competitors are viable options for 3rd party dev's to make games on, who are they going to choose? Sony and Microsoft who have treated them well for 3 generations (sony) and extremely well this gen (microsoft) vs a Company who hasn't shown yet that if they were to win out this gen, won't turn into the same assholes of years past.

If there's anyone to blame, it's Nintendo.


This is a non-issue when it comes to Square-Enix working on Nintendo platforms. They've done nothing but good things for Square over the last couple of years thanks to the DS. They aren't going to just up and cancel their biggest game for the Nintendo home console, and they would've announced it a long time ago if they did.

I don't think we're going to see it anytime this year, but there's still a chance with Jump Festa.


As for Ubishit; Well, why are people still talking about them anyway?