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trestres said:
@dib8rman: Everything's OK :P

I like to be upset about something that's true. Hopefully SE, Ubisoft keep me entertained. But meanwhile I'm enjoying a lot of other things.

Wii doesn't deserve to be treated like garbage, there's simply no reason
. What is SE thinking? Many people called me an idiot, a whiner, they told me to wait till the SE event, then it was postponed until TGS. How long should Wii owners have to wait to get the support the platform really deserves. Don't tell me to wait more, I'm getting tired. I'm much content with what other companies are offering, but SE is just disgusting... I really hope they go bankrupt along with Ubisoft. They are ruining the industry, bunch of graphic whores.


I think you need to step back in time to the NES and SNES era, Nintendo were absolute assholes back then to 3rd party dev's, even going into the N64 era and being stubborn about CD's.

If anything, Nintendo has to show alot more love (monetary wise) to 3rd party dev's more so then Sony or Microsoft do.

But even still now, Nintendo is reluctant to buy support in a market where all 3 major competitors are viable options for 3rd party dev's to make games on, who are they going to choose? Sony and Microsoft who have treated them well for 3 generations (sony) and extremely well this gen (microsoft) vs a Company who hasn't shown yet that if they were to win out this gen, won't turn into the same assholes of years past.

If there's anyone to blame, it's Nintendo.