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This game has been getting alot of shit and I think its not because its a bad game but mainly because people simply just want to hate it.

Castlevannia fans make no sense. All they want are 2D games. Even with the recent announcement of Castlvannia for PS3/360 they still arent excited because it most likely wont be 2D

Back on topic the game DOES NOT look ugly. People say the graphics are shit which is a fucking ridiculous statement. Those graphics while not amazing look good.The gameplay also looks good.<---(Edit -MY own personal opinion.) The video uploaded onto this site however does not do the game justice because whoever the hell was playing the game sucked.

The main resons people hate this game

  • Its not 2D
  • Its graphics are "bad"
  • Its a fighter = close minded<----People automatically wrote this off because of it NO SENSE.
  • Different character design.<--Im not a fan of the artists work but its not terrible. Original design still look fruity=P

Im not really trying to change any minds but Id just like people to give me some valid reasons as to why they dont like the game. Especially since the majority of people have never played it and never will.