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madskillz said:
MrBubbles said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
MrBubbles, the panel voted UANIMOUSLY to adopt this report. And it has more Republicans than Democrats.


do you have a link? (no liberal blogs as your sources this time please) since they couldnt even agree to release the report i have a hard time believing they agreed on the investigation

The bipartisan Legislative Council, which commissioned the investigation after Monegan was fired, unanimously adopted the 263-page public report after a marathon executive session Friday.




Alaskan Statutes:

AS Title 39 Chapter 52 § 310. Complaints.
(c.) If a complaint alleges a violation of AS 39.52.110 - 39.52.190 by the governor, lieutenant governor, or the attorney general, the matter shall be referred to the personnel board. The personnel board shall return a complaint concerning the conduct of the governor or lieutenant governor who is a candidate for election to state office as provided in (j) of this section if the complaint is initiated during a campaign period. The personnel board shall retain independent counsel who shall act in the place of the attorney general under (d) - (i) of this section, AS 39.52.320 - 39.52.350, and 39.52.360(c.) and (d). Notwithstanding AS 36.30.015 (d), the personnel board may contract for or hire independent counsel under this subsection without notifying or securing the approval of the Department of Law.

Copied from another thread I posted this in. 

Please note that the legilsature is using statute 39.52.110 & 120 as the basis of their investigation, which they clearly don't have authority to investigate.

Also note that if you actually read the report it concludes that she didn't violate the law.  This is what happens when gotcha politics is at work.  Their conclusion was that they think the Wooten issue was a part of her reason for firing him (no proof of this in the slightest btw) but they conceded that she had legitimate reasons as well.

To Each Man, Responsibility