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SHMUPGurus said:
Staude said:

After having been in the whole beta i can tell you it is not.

The only things that are like them are

1. Cutscenes (though they are worse because EA can't direct cutscenes for shit. And they choose horrible actors because they think it's charming.. how nice)

2. Frank Klepacki is making the music


Gameplay of this game... Not at all. It's alright, but don't dare say that it's anything like the old cnc games, that's like spitting westwood in the face. Balance is also poor throughout the whole game.. i dunno.

Worst part is you can only install the game 3 times though. Or is it 5 ?

I'll probably still get it though.. but the drm is pissing me off so i'm not sure.


On positive notes it's better than their prior cnc games .. by far ..

How so? I betcha you aren't really used to building many bases on land and sea. Red Alert 3 is introducing this whole new naval fighting stuff, surely you need to adapt to it. It's not difficult to create a barrage of tesla (with VR-22 rocket along your walls) that separates your recon base to your actual base when playing the Soviets. Flanking is also important, which is an element that was missing from a bunch of real-time strategy games. I love the new stuff in the game, sorry you can't enjoy it as it is though (and not what it should have been... change is not bad you know).

Also, by the way, WALLS are back! xD


let me put it like this.. first i thought.. balance is off.. but you know.. it'll manage... Then i was singlehandedly destroyed by a Allied sniper and i was like.. what the fuck !

First he killed my.. like.. 16 units that were all charging him.. aparently he reloads very fast.. then he sent in for planes (like boris in ra2) but very quickly.. destroyed most my buildings.. then i went.. holy shit.. and packed up my mcv HE THEN TOOK OVER MY MCV !.. YES A SNIPER ! TOOK MY MCV !..

That was when i knew.. something was rotten in the game of ra3.. (it also took forever to get games going before the last patch)

I'm not saying i wont enjoy it.. i'm just saying that it's a shame because it could have been so much more than what it is.

also yeah, westwood aint coming back.. but atleast we have petroglyph with universe at war. Even though it's a step down from cnc i still found it one of the best RTS games i've played for a long time (the campaign)

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