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BenKenobi88 said:
VBI said:
Don't see the point in that kind of comment, PC piracy is infinitely more damaging and widespread than console piracy, and always will be.

This game is an odd case though, it's different when a game is released by a shop early, this one is still a bit away. How exactly did Jack Sparrow get his hands on a copy?


I mean, let's not take into account the thousands of copies of console games in poorer countries or anything...that doesn't have ANY affect on the console market.



Well, if you're going to play semantics with words...the effect on the console business in poorer countries ISN'T actually that big a deal, because the biggest markets are where the money is.

It just seems off, and annoying, that on the few occasions console piracy has a news article, PC-tards appear to dish out the usual "buh PC is only victim of piratez!" crap. No need to post that kind of thing at all in this article, because as I said, the difference between the 2 is impossibly vast. If it's having "an" effect on console business, then by the same token it must be having a colossal effect on PC game sales.

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