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Dead Space is a riveting survival horror game, unflinchingly violent from start to finish. Blindly unpredictable and incredibly intense, Dead Space keeps your heart pumping the entire game. It's got aliens, zero-g shootouts, blood, guts, and broken bones. It's unnervingly tense one moment and piss-your-pants terrifying the next. It's an exhilarating tale of aliens, claustrophobia, and isolation in a dark corner of outer space where no one can hear you scream.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Dead Space is a showcase piece of dark-side entertainment that rivals the marvelous designs of such games as BioShock, Gears of War, and Resident Evil 4. But be advised that it is definitely not for the queasy or the faint of heart. Still, if you can stomach its horrors, you will be rewarded with one of the best survival horror experiences ever created.



nice ,,,fi it gets 2 more good reviews ,i will seriously consider it even though there are 16 games coming out on PS3 which i m already intrested in.