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Final-Fan said:
BKK2 said:
Final-Fan said:
trestres said:
@Final-Fan: The OP states that he's using gamerankings as the source for his claims, therefore the other 2 reviews you count are invalid, since gamerankings has the 100% avrg score based on 1 review. Thanks for reading the OP.

"@theprof: haha, no. Wait until 2 reviews come in, that way you can make an average."

Looks like a certain someone's been making blanket statements beyond the scope of the OP itself, ignoring the fact that there do exist multiple reviews from which an average can be made, which is still 100%.  

It matters not, the OP made a thread about the average rating of a game which included only one sample. That's pretty ridiculous and it seems just as ridiculous to criticise someone for pointing that out. If the OP made a thread that three reviews had rated LBP 10/10 then no-one would have cause for complaint.

On the other hand, trestres has yet to acknowledge that the other reviews in fact exist.  No-one is defending the OP, not even the thread creator.  

Update:  it seems the unofficial review average is no longer 100%, which ought to make him happy.  He can now acknowledge the reviews without danger of aneurysm. 

Does it really matter? I really don't understand why people are attempting to compare this game to other games on different systems and to different genres. Anyway, the following rant is not directed at you:

People really need to stop comparing review scores from one generation to the next. A review score really needs to be taken in context against the other games available in the genre on that system or at least that generation. Asking if LBP should have a higher review score than Super Mario or The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is ridiculous. If either of the games from later generations were released on the previous systems then 100% would never be a high enough score. This is the same as Megaman 9, it was designed as a NES game, I really think reviewers should have also offered an NES review along side the standard 2008 era review. Many retro gamers like myself would appreciate and understand that.

Leaving aside the generational differences it is even more idiotic to compare totally different genres together to find out which is "the best evaaaa".

Having said all that, my favourite game ever is "Wonderboy III: The Dragon's Trap" on Sega master System, but to compare it to Gears of War 2? It makes no sense. I honestly do not see the relationship between two different genres in two different generations.