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yushire said:
CAL4M1TY said:
yushire said:
I think everyone here accepts that the Wii is a different beast than HD consoles. I mean, are Wii owners really want multiplat games? Because thats whats really happening in HD consoles, except for their first party consoles and Final Fantasy XIII theres no BIG titles on HD consoles which isnt a multiplat.


There's something very wrong with this statement.

Personally, I play games because they are good, not because they are exclusive and will boost the sales of the console I own (I mean it's not like Sony will give me $200 for every person I get to buy a PS3. I use sony as an example as I own a PS3, not because I'm using any excuse to discredit them).

I don't think you need anyone to tell you this, but by that statement, you're a fanboy.

I doubt we'll see many developers use their main series on the Wii instead of spin-offs. Alot of Wii Fans will say "but 3rd party titles do sell on the Wii, look!" and give you a list of Wii 3rd party titles not from Nintendo that sell, whilst neglecting to say that those games happen to appeal to casual and core (Guitar Hero, Lego whatever etc).Fact of the matter is, Core, High production value, 3rd party, non-remake/port games more often then not, don't sell well on the Wii.

Fact of the matter is, putting all your eggs in one basket (Wii) is not a smart business move when you consider the 360/PS3 has many different genre's of high selling core games.

Also, many developers invested in/created game and graphics engines based on the 360 and PS3 architecture. It'd be insane not to put games out on those platforms, because of all the money spent getting themselves ready to be able to make great games on those platforms.

We'll see some developers switch their main series to the Wii, but it'll mostly be games that cater to the Japanese Market, as opposed to games that'll optimise the use of the Wii-mote. I hope kingdom Hearts isn't one of those games (I don't care which platform it goes to, I just don't want it to be Wii EXCLUSIVE).


Then what is this console war for? If I would choose for multiplat platform I definitely choose a PC which we already have right now... Some gamers I myself play consoles just for the exclusives not because of multiplats. Have you seen my profile on the games I owned that are all professional sports games?

Im playing for exclusives not because of multiplats and the Wii have most of them so far. Sure some of them are ports but it will definitely changing in 2009.


Well for me, I want a console to succeed sales wise because it ensures more will be invested into developing for it, exclusive or multiplatform. A console may be defined by the exclusives it has, but Multiplatform titles are extremely important, heck even more important than exclusives in some cases.

My point was, you'd want multiplatform on the Wii so that it can gain 3rd party support (and eventually third party exclusives, if you want them so badly). To not want any multiplatform games would be suicide, because multiplatform is what developers test the waters with, to check what works and what doesn't before investing in an exclusive for the console.

Sure you can continue to buy multiplatform games on the PC, and ignore the good ones that are on the Wii, but it means that the Wii will take longer or not even get 3rd party exclusives because of that.