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cwbys21 said:
I have never understood why people think that just because a magazine is official, or is dedicated to one platform they are "biased." We got that with MGS4 when it got 10s and guess what, it deserved it. Everything we have seen so far from LBP points to it deserving it also. Also, if these "biased" magazines give high scores to unworthy games, they lose the trust of their customers. People pay $10-20 a year for a magazine subscription so that they don't waste $60 on a bad game. If you get a bad rep, you lose subscribers and people stop buying them at retail and you go out of business. Last I checked, those people working on the magazines don't want to lose their jobs. Sometimes I wonder if the people who say that kind of bs aren't 12 years old.

It's actually a lot more than that in UK. Magazine's main income is from the cover price as opposed to the US where they rely more on advertising. For the extra money you do get a higher quality product though.

I think people are being a little unfair to OPM UK here. They're owned by Future, not Sony, and their scores aren't usually particularly higher than other media outlets.

Having said that, it's a bit ridiculous to create a thread about an average score on Gamerankings which only has a sample of one.