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TheRealMafoo said:
Jandre002 said:

I understand peoples hesitation when it comes to government trust, but that means that we have a problem with our government and not taxes.


This is the problem. Look, the reason our forefathers put the government they did into place (a far cry from what we have today), is because people are corrupt. We need a system we can trust in, because we can never trust in people. This was the premise John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and the rest of our founders uses to form the constitution.

It was to protect the people from government, not to make a government that we look to for protection.

The more social programs we give government, the more power we give them. Power corrupts. Taxes is power.

Our forefathers would be rolling over in there grave if they knew what the country has become. Now most likely the next president will take it to an entirely new level.

We aren't dealing with a country thats like our forefathers had it. You used to be able to live on your own because you buy land, build your own house, make your own food. Now everyone is dependant on a system. Our founding fathers make this government in a very different world, and they made this country with a flexible government.

Power corrupts, but  I would rather have the power in the hands of someone I elect, rather than the richest monopoly that can control everything we need to thrive, including our foor, water, gasoline. Corporations are never supposed to become this powerful, but they are. Our facet of our lives are controlled by someone trying to reach a quota, and they usually don't care who suffers to get to that point.

I am not talking socialism, but I am talking a regulated market. Let businesses grow and prosper. Let them compete and make their own decisions. But at the same time, make sure someone is keeping a acceptable level of morality in the whole process. And this isn't a monarchy. The people working in the government are fellow citizens. It provides jobs while providing equality.