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Millennium said:
Evocation said:

Ah, but whats the difference between my charater saying" ok, i'll go run along now and kill the big bad thing" and him saying nothing..

I'll still get pushed fowards to killthe big bad, it make no difference if i fill in the convo with my thought of telling the person to take a jump or gun ho.

Gameplay and storys no matter which way are almost impossible to tell a sotry though, because it's visual, text and sound by which we get the story.

If your saying Games just souldn't tell storys, then you just end up with MMORPG's >.>

If these are the only ways you absorb the story from the game -and, for that matter, if you require all three to have any effect on you- then you really do deserve pity. You're missing out on so much; so much, all because you either lack the capacity for or have not developed skill in using your own imagination. It's basically the same general idea as reading comprehension, only applied to other media: games, movies, music, or whatever. It's a skill. Learn it, and you will experience gaming (or other media, as appropriate) on levels you've never dreamed of.

Games should tell stories. But they need to tell stories like games. Movie-based games and game-based movies never turn out well, because they're trying to tell a story designed for one medium in another.


Well other then insulting my apparent lack of imagination, you still haven't said anything. You haven't stated what this more is? The only way to tell a story is though comunication.

These game generally are not our games, they're someone else's game that they let us play, these are not our storeys, they're a story someone else is telling.

If I want to use my imagination with a game, I make my own then my imagination actually matters. Fact is I can Imagen anything i want with someone else's game, it doesn't change anything.

And still it doesn't really say how game telling should work, it just says it doesn't like pre defined characters and cut scenes.


On baldur's gate, much as I love it, that game fails at what it tries to do, try being a complete bad as villain in the game and it's almost impossible with the guards and you still have to do some quests which always contradict which way you play. added to the fact that all advents still lead to the same conclusion it's just an illusion of choice which is what all games really have.

Fable 1 imo also had a great illusion, I went from being a evil mage to a paladin to a ranger by the end of the game, which took away from the whole sence of my actions really mattered and defined my game