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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Smashed said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
darthdevidem01 said:

this is is a 45 Min session

most probably gameplay will be there....OPEN to the public (yes tickets are present...but its not in a closed theatre atleast)

& for Japan FF13 is still PS3 exclusive

so SONY ENDS their TGS with a 45 Min FF13 Session...that my friend is HUGE for them!


No it's not. That game is on the 360 too. Was the new RE5 trailer huge for Microsoft, lol?

You're just trying to be overly entheusastic because Sony hasn't shown anything at the TGS at all, worth noting. Sony can't take credit for the SE special just because they game was developed on PS3 hardware, sheesh. Desperate.


Zen, do you live under a rock? FF13 IS in FACT an exclusive for Japan.



Yes, thank you, I know this. However, it has nothing to do with anything I've said. It's trying to divert attention away from the real issue of this thread, which is that Sony's press conference was dissapointing for most people, and a showing that we already knew about isn't an accouncement, and doesn't help their conference meet the expectations we set for it. The general assertion of the OP is that Sony has somehow came back and delivered a good show, and we must no longer be dissapointed? No. Something needs to be announced, or at least revealed, for internet 2.0(us) to give them credit for actually doing something. MS had two significant surprises at their show. One of them bad for Sony. Sony has had no surprises yet, and showing us FFXIII(which Sony isn't doing anyway, SE is, and which we all expected weeks ago) isn't a boon to Sony's lackluster performance at TGS so far. Let's save the faux excitement for real surprises, shall we?

exclusive ..



japan.. desu ! (didn't read your post btw)


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